An Annual Event
Each year, I take a full day away from the hustle and bustle of the office (that’s a phrase people use right…) to revisit my personal one-page strategic plan.
Or as I like to call it. My POPSP.
Okay, that doesn’t work at all. Let’s forget I wrote that.
But w/ full sincerity, this practice will change the way you make decisions AND dictate how you to use the often limited time and energy you have in this life.
For those looking for a fresh start, January 1, 2020, offers incredible timing to create your plan.
Why is that?
Because it contains six traits of the 86 days you can use to change your behavior.
You can check out Dan Pink’s 138-second video here to learn more.
Now for the good stuff.
How to build your own plan.
Step 1: Set Aside Time
It’s really this simple. Block time to create your plan.
You’re far more likely to create your plan using James Clear’s implementation intentions below:
I will [BEHAVIOR] at [TIME] in [LOCATION].
For example, yours may look like the this:
Perfect. Block the time on your calendar and you’re set.
STEP 2: Download My Free Template
You can download a free template I created here.
Much of this is comes directly from Dave Cumming’s blog — dating back to 2009.
However, I first stumbled across his plan in 2017, found here.
And you can find a 2020 updated version here.
Why use my plan and not Dave’s?
It doesn’t matter really, the only changes I’ve made to Dave’s plan are how to incorporate this into your personal life. Swapping the business terminology for more personal, relational language.
Everything else is essentially the same.
STEP 3: Fill It Out
Purpose – What is your personal purpose in life? This should be three sentences or less — Ideally, 280 words or fewer. And don’t worry — you can always come back and adjust.
Core Values – What values (or virtues) are most important for your life? List the types of behaviors you hope others may use to describe your life.
Market – Who do you serve? ie (Family, Community, Work, etc.) Get specific.
Your Promise – What can people expect from you? This means exactly what it says.
3 Annual Goals – What are three SMART goals for this year? Three or fewer keeps you focused. But if four or five works for you, go with that.
3 Quarterly Goals – What are three SMART goals for this quarter? These as smaller goals that allow you to hit your annual goals.
3 Quarterly Projects – What are the three highest priority projects that must be done this quarter? Again — Most of your projects should move you toward your quarterly goals which move you toward your annual goals.
That’s it.
Set aside time.
Download the template.
Fill it out.
And lastly, maximize it.
Share this plan with friends, family members, co-workers, or anyone who wants you to succeed.
Make it a living document that’s reviewed on a weekly basis to align your personal time and resources for the week.
If you do, I promise you won’t regret it.
Until next time, #KeepImpacting.
PS. I’ve shared a copy of my personal one-page strategic plan here, excluding goals and projects, to help you to get started.
Check it out and let me know what you think.